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Student Government Positions

Expectations for All Positions of the ASB

  • Development of Professional Skill & Expectations of a Leader
  • Maintaining grades in all academic classes. Attend all classes, do not be tardy, follow the THS student handbook: i.e. dress code policy, honor code.
    • maintain a 2.0 average on a 4.0 scale and have no course failures (no F grades)
  • Carry out duties and responsibilities that have been given by the Activities Director. Keep on task. Turn in all work at prescribe deadline as directed.
  • Stay up to date with upcoming dates and practice positive communication. 
  • Participate in planning, preparing, and attending ASB and class events as assigned. 
  • Lead/contribute to committees/jobs as assigned (may have to complete on own time, outside of class period.
  • Work, assist, supervise and communicate together as a team and find compromise and positivity.
  • Respect each position/person in the class and their authoritative role in making sure the class runs smoothly.
  • Practice positive time management skills. 
  • Work daily to develop your professional skills.
  • Spread school spirit; above and beyond what is expected.
  • Conduct your behavior professionally both in school and outside of school (including social media).
  • Student shall serve as a positive role-model to other students at THS.
  • Required to set-up and clean-up after all ASB rallies and activities.
  • All students in leadership are required to attend at least one school board meeting, take notes, and write a one-page summary of the event. This document will be due the Friday after the Tuesday board meeting.
  • Students are required to act professionally at each formal student council meeting and be an active participant in the meeting as well. 

Associated Student Body (ASB) - Elected/Confirmed by Panel


  • Presides over all meetings of the ASB and Leadership Class Is familiar with all school-wide activities.
  • Attends all Interclub Council (ICC) Meetings 
  • Reads Pledge of Allegiance every morning over the intercom
  • Represents the Student Body at required school, district, and community events.
  • Develops the agenda for all formal meetings of ASB.
  • Supervises the functioning of the elected and appointed Student Body Officers.
  • Signs requisitions and purchase orders when needed.
  • Meets with the Activity Director, outside of class, at least twice a month to establish communication between the administration and the ASB.
  • Reviews and approves all new Club Constitutions and Bylaws prior to approval.
  • Delegates committees for all student activities.
  • Keeps a record of all Leadership activities.
  • Reviews committee updates at least twice a month.
  • Supervises the Class Presidents.
  • Creates and completes at least one School Enhancement Project while in office with the assistance of other ASB officers

Vice President:

  • Assumes the office and duties of President in the absence of the President.
  • Represents the Student Body at required school, district, and community events as requested by the President.
  • Acts as the chairperson to review all proposed amendments to the ASB Constitution & Makes revisions to the Constitution that are approved by the Student Council.
  • Sets up for Student Council Meetings.
  • Supervises the Class Vice-Presidents.
  • Organizes the Student Senate, acts as the Speaker at all Student Senate meetings, and is the liaison between the Student Senate and the Student Council.
  • Assists the ASB President in completing at least one School Enhancement Project while in office.

Board Representative:

  • Represents all students of Tracy High School to the Tracy Unified School District Board of Education and the School Site Council & Is the main liaison between Tracy High School ASB and the Tracy Community.
  • Attends all regular school board meetings (Typically held Tuesdays/Monthly).
  • Is the liaison between the administrators and the students to discuss student problems.
  • Makes a report at the Student Council meeting following the board meeting each month.
  • Supervises the appointed Commissioners except the Student Store and Club/Fundraising Commissioners.
  • Assists the ASB President in completing at least one School Enhancement Project while in office.


  • Helps with the preparation & record keeping of the agenda for each formal meeting.
  • Takes minutes in all formal meetings and distributes copies to the class assistant principal, bookkeeper, activity director, athletic director and Leadership class.
  • Writes press releases about all ASB activities and distributes to staff & community.
  • Maintains a project file evaluation of current and past ASB activities.
  • Writes & coordinates all letters of appreciation on behalf of the ASB.
  • Is familiar with all the various forms to be completed.
  • Supervises the Class Secretaries
  • Assists the ASB President in completing at least one School Enhancement Project while in office.


  • Is responsible for the major fundraising activities of ASB including the Student Store, sale of ASB cards, as well as other ASB fundraisers.
  • Prepares & monitors a budget report of all ASB income/expense accounts including class revenue accounts.
  • Checks with bookkeeper weekly to ensure that all accounts are in good standing and no tasks are outstanding.
  • Understands and can explain/train students, staff, & the community fundraising & Purchase Order Forms. 
  • Approves all supply orders for ASB.
  • Approves all spending of ASB funds.
  • Supervises the Class Treasurers, Student Store Commissioner and Club/Fundraising Commissioners. 

Class Officer (9th, 10th, 11th, & 12th Grade) - Elected/Confirmed by Panel


  • Presides over all Class meetings and Class functions.
  • Represents the Class at all required class, school, district, and community events.
  • Serves as the spokesperson for the Class at Student Council meetings.
  • Attends all Student Council meetings, Class meetings, and Presidents’ meetings.
  • Develops the agenda for all Class meetings.
  • Maintains a project file evaluation of all  activities, including minutes.
  • Maintains communication with all other Class Officers as well as class advisors.
  • Oversees all the Class Officers/commissioners and gives feedback/support.
  • Participates and assists with Class fundraising & activities.

Vice President:

  • Assumes the office and duties of the President in the absence of the President.
  • Represents the Class at required class, school, district, and community events as requested by the President.
  • Serves on the School Site Council.
  • Represents that class regarding feedback on class/school activities.
  • Acts as the Chairperson for all Class sponsored activities.
  • Attends all Student Council meetings, Class meetings & Vice Presidents’ meetings.
  • Maintains communication with all other Class Officers & advisors.
  • Participates and assists with all Class fundraising & activities.


  • Assists the President with the preparation of the agenda for all Class meetings.
  • Takes minutes in all formal meetings and distributes copies to the ASB Secretary, Class Advisor, Assistant Principal, Activities Director, Bookkeeper, and all officers.
  • Types necessary materials for Class Officers and advisors.
  • Is responsible for letters of appreciation from the class.
  • Maintains communication with all other Class Officers
  • Attends all Student Council meetings, Class meetings, and Secretaries’ meetings.
  • Meets with the Class Advisor outside of Class at least twice a month.
  • Participates and assists with all Class fundraising & activities.


  • Responsible for planning the fundraising activities for the Class.
  • Prepares a budget report of all income/expense accounts after completion of Class activities.
  • Submits monthly reports of financial activity to the ASB Treasurer.
  • Handles all purchase orders & fundraiser requests for the class.
  • Maintains communication with all other Class Officers.
  • Attends all Student Council meetings, Class meetings and Treasurers’ meetings.
  • Meets with the Class Advisor outside of class at least twice a month.
  • Participates and assists with all Class fundraising & activities.

Commissioner(s) (Appointed by Panel) - (# = Positions available)

Rally (2): These commissioners not only plan and organize, but also serve as the primary emcees for the school year at school wide rallies and assemblies.

  • Coordinates and executes all rallies with the help from the ASB officers and the Leadership class.
  • Develops the rally agenda and script and submits a typed draft to the ASB Advisor/Activities Director a week before the rally for final approval.
  • Promotes positive school spirit.
  • Delegates jobs for the Rally Committee.
  • Notifies rally participants prior to the rally & Facilitates rally clean up.
  • Sends thank you notes to the people who helped with the rally.
  • Develops a budget reports for all rallies/dances and submits it to ASB Treasurer.
  • Obtains all performers’ music prior to rallies.
  • Understands how to operate, set up, and controls the sound system for all school rallies, assemblies, and any ASB events requiring a sound system.

Activities & Athletics (2): The role involves planning, organizing, and executing school events and activities to boost positive school spirit and engagement. The role is specifically responsible for also promoting athletic events, recognizing student athletes and coordinating with sports teams, the athletic director, and coaches.

  • Organizes activities at lunch at least every other Friday.
  • Lunch time activities are expected to be scheduled out monthly and should occur no less than twice a month.
  • Works with Rally Commissioners to plan and organize activities at all Rallies.
  • Schedules and enacts lunch activities everyday during Homecoming, Hoopla, and other major spirit weeks. 
  • This commissioner’s primary role is to market school-wide events to the student body and create an inclusive & positive social climate for a wide range of students.
  • Exercise general supervision of athletic activities. It is the expectation that this person goes to multiple athletic events and participates in the student section when not engaged in a sport.
  • Plan, coordinate, supervise, and publicize inter-mural sports. (i.e. Powder Puff, Dodge Ball).
  • Prepares announcements for the Daily Bulletin highlighting recent sports results and individual accomplishments. 
  • Understand CIF Sport Spectator Guidelines & coordinates with Spirit Commissioners to ensure adherence to all rules & remain positive at sporting events. 
  • Work with the Athletic Director and various coaches and their respective sport.
  • Maintain a file of all teams including rosters and schedules.
  • Works with 5-Star Commissioners to promote events.

Spirit (2): These commissioners focus on building school spirit on campus at sporting events and activities; but also focuses on fostering a positive school spirit on and off campus. 

  • Organizes student spirit sections/Dog Pounds with approval of the ASB Advisor/Activities Director.
    • The ASB Advisor/Activities Director/Admin reserves the right to disband any spirit sections that do not adhere to regional rules for spirit, school rules, or expectations.
  • Develops plans to get students to attend activities & events.
  • Works with ASB Advisor/Activities Director to create expectations in spirit sections.
    • Understand CIF Sport Spectator Guidelines & coordinates with Spirit Commissioners to ensure adherence to all rules & remain positive at sporting events. 
  • Maintains the ethics and expectations of a positive, well-run, and respectful spirit section. 
  • Support student engagement on the 5 Star App for spirit events.
  • Works with cheer coach and band director to organize cheers.
  • Decorates & plans Dog Pound set up/clean up.
  • Assists class in picking dress up days.
  • Develops new ways to promote school spirit.

Student Store (2): The student store commissioners manage and create a culture of school spirit through the creation and sale of spirit wear, items and gear. 

  • Works a consistent schedule at lunchtime to keep the store open at least 2 times a month throughout the year. 
  • Orders balloons, helium and other necessary spirit items for ASB.
  • Only Student Store commissioners or an ASB officer may operate the cashbox.
  • Submits paperwork regularly and on time. 
  • Conducts a proper and thorough inventory of the students store once a month (no less than 1 per quarter) and gives the findings of the inventory to both the ASB Advisor/Activities Director, the ASB Treasurer, & the ASB Bookkeeper.
  • Works with the ASB Advisor/Activities Director & ASB Treasurer to place new orders or run a sale/pop sale.
  • Advertises Student Store sales & ensures the student store clothing/accessories are available at all major sporting events.
  • Works with the 5 Star Commissioners to ensure that redemption awards for 5 Star achievements are available in the students store.

Digital Media (2): These commissioners manage and represent the THS brand appropriately online. From posts on school sanctioned social media, to the creation of digital media, these commissioners work to publicize all aspects of activities and events.

  • Promotes ASB, class, & club sponsored activities in a positive manner.
  • Posts regularly & consistently on the school social media accounts.
  • Assists in the creation of a videos for various events throughout the year but not limited to HOCO, end of the year, recap, etc. 
  • Is in charge of ensuring digital media & technology is properly cleaned, accounted for and managed.
  • Works with other commissioners, officers, and staff on publicizing upcoming events and highlighting moments throughout the year.
  • Promotes positive school spirit & ensures all digital media is school appropriate with the Activities Director and AP before releasing material to the digital community. 

Clubs & Fundraisers (1): This commissioner acts as the liasion between ASB & club life on campus. Ensures that clubs are well supported and that club funds and activities follow proper guidelines.

  • Works with clubs to coordinate Club Rush Week.
  • Serves as president at ICC meetings and holds meetings at least once per quarter.
  • Maintains records of club officers, constitutions, and bylaws.
  • Works with club presidents in promoting membership and participation.
  • Schedules clubs for lunchtime activities.
  • Maintains club calendar with lists of fundraisers and lunchtime activities.
  • Keeps clubs informed of ASB and class events.
  • Works with the 5 Star Commissioner to account for club attendance & recognition.
  • Coordinates with clubs to ensure all HOCO representatives and performances run smoothly at the night rally/black light rally and parade. 
  • Communicates and reports back ICC minutes and details to the student council.
  • Communicates the fundraising policy with all advisors and coaches.
  • Coordinates all fundraising on campus to help avoid competition.
  • Ensures that all fundraising activities occurring at Tracy High are legitimate.

5 Star (2): The 5 Star student commissioners will be responsible for the management of the 5 Star App for students and staff that aims at increasing engagement on campus all year long.

  • The commissioners will work with the Spirit & Publicity commissioners to:
    • Develop plans to get more students out to events using the 5 Star app.
    • Help reward students and staff for participation in school events such as (but not limited to) dress-up days for spirit weeks or attendance at events. 
  • This position is also strongly encouraged to be at various events on campus so that if students need to be checked in or school staff needs assistance operating the system. People should know who they are and should be approachable at events.
  • These commissioners will be responsible in ensuring that all other students (and themselves included) are properly rewarding students and staff for their engagement.
  • Are in charge of scanning people into events that they attend and throughout the day at school.
  • 5 Star commissioners are responsible for taking inventory of redemption award items in the Student Store.
  • Will train both students and staff on how to use the manager and student apps.
  • Will work with the Student Store commissioners to brainstorm & make rewards available for students and staff that want to redeem their points.
  • Manage homecoming, prom, & other THS event polls & elections accurately and with integrity through 5 Star.
  • Works with the ASB Advisor/Activities Director, the staff, ASB & other commissioners to use the data tracking tool on 5 Star to identify how to increase student engagement and involvement.

Community Engagement (1): This commissioner is focused on finding and creating opportunities for students to support and engage with their school and local communities.

  • Help organize events such as Awareness Week and other community service school-wide projects.
  • Seeks out community service opportunities and posts them around campus for students in both the Leadership class and school community to take part in.
  • Keeps record of student involvement in community service projects.
  • Maintains contact with service clubs on and off-campus.
  • Coordinates programs within the community. 

Link Crew (2): These commissioners facilitate, plan, & organize Freshman Orientation and Registration while also supporting the Freshman class throughout the year. 

  • Plans & Organizes all Link Crew activities throughout the year.
  • Organizes freshmen orientation with Link Crew Advisor/Assistant Advisor.
  • Works with the summer bridge teachers and freshmen seminar teacher.
  • Assists the Link Crew advisor with summer training of Link Crew Leaders.
  • Develops and maintains a list of active Link Crew Members and their crew.
  • Organizes at least one Link Crew activity per quarter with the assistance of the Link Crew advisor.
  • Attends all Link Crew Activities & Assists the counselors with all new students.

Recognition & Outreach (2): This commissioner's focus is on recognizing both student and staff achievement and recognition. In addition, they work to reach out to the school community to understand and address student & staff needs. 

  • Maintains a diverse monthly recognition program for both students and staff. 
  • Assists staff in official recognition programs such as Academic Block T.
  • Coordinates and runs all student & staff recognition programs (Appreciation Week, Recognizes new faculty, etc.)
  • Works directly with teachers, program coordinators, & department chairs.
  • Promotes positive interaction between all students, staff, and the community.
  • Coordinates polls, collects data, to and from students.
  • Attends necessary WASC and School Site Council meetings on campus after school.
  • Works closely with the ASB Board Representative to discuss matters at the school that need to be relayed to the ASB Board Representative/TUSD school board.